PEI Provincial Window
This vignette is a replica of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Window in the House of Commons, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario. Its dimensions are 15" x 21". There are 2 fused glass panels in a barn board frame that measure 4" x 17" each. The fused panels have been kiln fired 3 times as 3 different techniques were employed requiring different temperature programs each firing time; first fire is the initial colour glass fuse, 2nd fire is the tracing (heavier black lines) fire, and thirdly, the shade fire. Each framed panel is compete with eye hooks and ready to frame. I was not involved in the creation of the initial House of Commons windows but I have always loved them and found so much inspiration from them. Our company is fortunate to still have the original cartoons from over 40 years ago. Therefore, I felt they needed to be pieced together and photographed for our records. In doing this, I envisioned portable examples of the provincial flowers. Here was my chance to experience those creations on a smaller scale.